Author Archives: masterkeyann

Week#16 A week of change

Week 16 has been one of significantly noticeable change for me.  Beginning with a concentration on Kindness from me and to me, along with taking the time to observe kindnesses to and from others I feel a lightness, warmth and noticeably more smiles on my face and those around me.  I’ve also chosen the words harmonious and happy to focus on as many times throughout the day as possible.  I’m in love with how a thought that has vitality will have life! It will grow, develop and expand. All of these words pepper my thoughts and are the replacement thoughts when I have the need to apply the Law of Substitution.

The old subby is beginning to fade and I’m in awe of how we can truly get what we ask for.  Sometimes the old subby wants to come into play and argue that this is too good and won’t last, but the results of being happier and my solar plexis opening and shining through and getting what I ask for have been too overwhelming to allow myself to step backwards.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!


Week #15 Insight

“There can be no question but that he who is wise enough to understand will readily recognize that the creative power of thought places an invincible weapon in his hands and makes him a master of destiny.”  How one uses this creative power is subjected to the outcome of the action of that thought, as we can only get what we give. Haanel continues to write about the importance of insight in what I interpret as the guiding principle of the outcome of all thought.

This lesson is really enlightening as I look back over the past 5 years where I’ll describe my life as feeling like I had been swimming in molasses. It’s made me reflect on thoughts and choices that were sometimes made out of desperation and lacked any insight pertaining to obstacles and difficulties.

I joined the MKMMA to move my life forward and elevate my thoughts to a higher plane.  The addition of sitting quietly, concentrating and gaining sufficient insight to ask the right questions and to understand the roadblocks and the possibilities is something whose time has come.





Week #14

changeWeek 14 was  fun and busy and quite challenging to stay abreast of the requirements of MKMMA and that’s the reason for the late blog post!  What I found, though, was the innate awareness of applying what we’ve already learned, as Mark has pointed out.  I found myself using the Mental Diet in many conversations and being an observer during the holidays more than I’ve ever been.  I persisted each day to read Og mostly twice a day, listen to my recording and visualize my movie poster as I ran each day.  I read over and over MK 14-27 which talks about bringing about a radical change in your life and entering into the discipline necessary and allowing nothing to interfere with your decision. And, as each day brought different challenges to my scheduled practice for the MKMMA, I always repeated my DMP to myself as many times a day as I could to keep harmony within.  I feel really good and excited to continue into 2017 and to experience the continued affects of MKMMA.  Always will I take another step – Og Mandino.

Week#14 A Big Lie

I watched the movie A Big Lie last week and it had a great impression on me.  Mostly because of the nature of the story…it tears at your heart and magnifies the concept that one cannot make judgement on another until you’ve walked in their shoes.

This was a movie that encompassed all four pieces of the MKMMA formula. One member of the family had been separated upon arriving in America and the 3 brothers had a DMP to reunite all of them again.  Throughout the story, two of the brothers maintained a strong PMA as the other brother was introduced to a different culture in the US and began to lose hope of reuniting.  Throughout the entire movie there was a determination by the brothers to continue a plan of action while master minding with two other influencers in their immediate community.  Through the trials and tribulations of being, basically, thrown into a foreign culture, the brothers prevailed and were eventually reunited with their sister.

What I saw as the big lie, was going on inside the mind of one of the brothers who had taken leadership of the family upon getting into the US.  But, in Africa during all the strife and running for their lives his older brother who was their chief and leader was killed.  He felt responsible for the killing and harbored it. One day he received a letter from his brother saying that he was alive in Africa.(I’m not doing good job of this because I don’t recall their names), but the brother in America who was blaming himself for the death,  found his way back to Africa to locate his older brother.  They were re-united in a refugee camp.  When the younger brother from the US was given permission to return to the US and the older brother was not the younger brother gave him his credentials and told the older brother to lie and be consistent in saying he was him.  It was a great ending because the chief arrived in the US and was re-united with his other bothers and sister.  The younger brother was happy to stay in Africa and help the refugees in the medical camp because he wanted to go on to be a doctor.

This is a light summary of a very touching movie that proved the DMP+POA+PMA+MM equaled success and that sometimes, it’s necessary to tell a lie that gives.

Week #13 Awe-inspiring channel

I’m finding comfort in the principle that I am part of the whole and that everything already exists. There have been those beautiful, awe-inspiring moments where I’ve experienced a musician whose soul was interpreted through their music and the artist whose completed piece was so extraordinary that the artistry could have only come from a higher source. I thought that only certain people, somehow, were blessed to be the channel for brilliancy – That we are all one, and that we are all the same in kind and quality and the only difference there can possibly be is in degree – A big smile comes across my face with the understanding that the work I’ve done in the past 13 weeks has allowed me to considerillusion that I am, and we all are, one of those channels – Increase in me that wisdom Which discovers my truest interest, Strengthen my resolution To perform that which wisdom dictates.

Week #12 – Beautiful metaphor for MKMMA

Message from Hopi Elders
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?


Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.


This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.


river-3Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.


See who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!


Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona, 2002 (shortly after 9/11) 


Week#11 Persistence – Nothing Changed

persistenceI will persist until I succeed. I used to think that if I hung in there things would change. I hung in there and nothing changed.  I used to believe in the Law of Attraction being the thing that would make the change. Nothing changed.  After reading Scroll 3 and the Master Key for this week, I get it.  Action!  Persistent action! One small step at a time action! The Law of Attraction can’t be effective if there’s no action towards the attraction. What is it that guides and determines action? Need, want and desire which in the largest sense induce, guide and determine action.  If we are to believe that our desire has already been fulfilled and its accomplishment will then follow, then it’s necessary to have absolute clarity of our needs, wants and desires.

I can see why Mark was so excited and so am I, about our reward this week….we’re all positioned through the MKMMA and the Law of Practice to make the changes we’re desiring.


Week #10 Exercise

“When any object or purpose is clearly held in thought, its precipitation, in tangible and visible form, is merely a question of time.  The vision always precedes and itself determined the realization.”

I’ve particularly enjoyed the exercise in this week’s reading. I was Pretty amazed at being able to see with great clarity the black square, then the circle, then the point and drawing the point into a cone inside the square base. I had a lot of fun changing the colors from black to white, yellow, red then back again.  I kept mixing up the order of the colors and each time I did the vision became stronger and stronger.

I’ve played with this vision each time I’ve sat this week and am findingindex that my DMP continues to become clearer with more detail added each time I read it.  It’s pretty cool to see how the exercises are helping and the gradual shifts in my awareness that are changing my thoughts.

Week #9 Truth and Thanksgiving

image-1My entire family comes to our home every year for Thanksgiving dinner because they all know that it is my favorite holiday and I love preparing for the celebration.  And, every year I was nervous and stressed about all the pieces coming together and the outcome being just perfect.

The infamous light bulb lit up when I read Haanel’s MK 9-6 “To think correctly, accurately, we must know the “Truth.” The truth then is the underlying principle in every business or social relation….”  the truth that came glaring back at me was IT’S NOT ABOUT ME!

The result of my thinking was a lighthearted day, a delicious meal prepared without stress and an appreciation of gratefully giving while graciously receiving the presence and compliments of my family.

Week 8 Law of Substitution

images This was a challenging week in many ways, some personal and others work related.  I found myself repeating from 8.4 ‘begin at once to substitute constructive thought for deconstructive thought’ many times and it worked – this along with keeping my dream board present!  The other quote from 8.4 I found supportive was Matthews Adams, “Learn to keep the door shut, keep out of your mind, out of your office, and out of your world, every element that seeks admittance with no definite helpful end in view.”

It was a week of increased consciousness of being present, observing and making choices that made a difference every day – I’m feeling the old blueprint moving out of the way.